USA +1(408)520 9820 India +91 949-965-9189

Online Exam Software Price and Plans

Please click the plan as per your need and budget

FREE $0 Today & Always
Professional $240 $240 a year
Ultimate $125 $1500 a year
Exams per month Exams per monthExam attempts per month (Includes incomplete and retake attempts)
Instructor accounts Instructor accountsInstructor or sub-admin accounts, such as exam managers, assessors, data entry operators or content providers.

You can assign access rights for each instructor.
AI based Proctoring AI based proctoring(Additional Paid Service)Live streaming of test takers with AI based cheating prevention. System will detect and notify any suspicious activity like (1) Another person in the room (2) Side face (3) Candidate not present (4) No proper light in the room any more activities. Terminate the test taker’s session automatically upon reaching the specified tolerance level.
Live chat with candidates Live chat with candidatesOur in-built chat system allows to be in touch with your candidates in real time. Initiate unlimited chat sessions with test takers easily.
Sell exams online Sell exams onlineSpeedExam offers to sell your tests online. Just set the price of your test and embed it in your website or blog.

Upon each successful payment, you'll be paid instantly to your PayPal account, and your candidate would be able to take the test immediately.

Optionally you can create self-registration form and certificates for your test takers so that they can first create their account, make payment, take the test and download the certificate.
Self-Registration Self-RegistrationStudents can register from your candidate site with email verification.

You can also plug in our registration API to register students from your website or LMS.
No SpeedExam branding SpeedExam branding removedRemove SpeedExam branding from your exam pages, email templates, and reports to give them the professional touch and really make it your own.
Practice Tools Practice ToolsTest maker© Software and performance report are exclusively designed for practice purposes. Candidate can create a test for any number of sections or difficulty level.

Candidate can choose tutor or test mode. In tutor mode, candidate can see correct and incorrect answers immediately after attempting a question with explanation.

Candidates can practice your question bank from any mobile or tablet devices.
Free Testmaker SoftwareUnique & Super useful
Detailed Analytics Detailed AnalyticsDetailed information for your questions and sections such as Challenge Quotient (CQ) and difficulty level. This allows you to see each question's number of attempts, correct, incorrect or left unanswered.

Detailed information on exams such as completed or pending by date time, score, groups and names.
Export your Data Export your DataExport your data such as Questions, candidates, groups and sections in a popular file format such as Microsoft Excel.

You can again import the same data into our system with ease on a single click. Also, you can use these files in other LMS systems.
Custom URL Custom URLYou’ll get your custom URL for your candidate site with your logo and organizational contact details. Additionally, you can embed this URL to your website or blog.
Custom Email Templates Custom Email TemplatesYou can design your email templates for your candidates such as Exam information, Sign in information, Forget Password and Email verification.

You can also add data fields for username, password, exam name, site address in your email and send bulk emails from your account.

You can use your email address for sending emails to your candidates by changing default email settings.
Free Proctor Credits Free proctor creditsFree proctor credits helps you to conduct AI based video recording and live streaming of test takers and understand our cheating prevention system in real time. Additionally you can buy any number of proctor credits when needed.
Additional File Storage Additional File StorageYou can upload images, pdf, word documents and diagrams on a centralized cloud and use it within the application. Just upload the files once and use it any number of times.

Our file manager allows you to upload, download, view, edit or delete files from your account.
100 MB
1 GB
Exam Monitor Exam MonitorWatch the exams live. You can see current activity of your candidates such as taking (live) completed, dropped exams with their number of attempts, device name, browser, operating system, IP address and location details.
Certificate Maker Certificate MakerYou can design your certificate by your logo, signature, text and background. You can add data fields like Candidate name, exam name, score, certificate number and date in your certificate. Also, you can choose from our 20+ best-designed certificate templates.

You can also decide to assign certificate automatically based on score or exam name.
Theme Builder Theme BuilderNew advanced theme builder for your admin and candidate sites. Customize look and feel of both the sites as your company branding. Seven pre-designed themes with endless possibilities.
Group based exams Group based examsFor group based exam, candidate registration is required, and you need to assign this exam to any specific group(s). Candidates have to sign in with their username and password and then take the exam.
Link based exams Link based examsCandidate registration is not required for this exam. Anybody can take this exam having the link for it. You can share this link via email, facebook or twitter or you can embed this exam to your website or blog.
Embed Exams Embed ExamsShare your candidate site to place embed code on your web page or blog. No technical skill is required.
Share with Facebook & Twitter Share with Facebook & TwitterInstantly share your exam or quiz on Facebook and Twitter.
Questions QuestionsQuestions are available in different types such as:
(1) Multiple Choice
(2) Multiple Correct
(3) Fill in the blank
(4) Matching Type
(5) Drag and Match
(6) Yes / No
(7) True / False
(8) Essay Type
(9) Scenario based questions
and more.

You can use images, diagram HTML, and math in your question with super ease and flexibility.

If you reach the maximum question limit, you can purchase additional questions at an extra cost. Please contact SpeedExam support or send an email to [email protected]
Candidate Accounts CandidatesCandidate / Student / User accounts can be registered with important details such as email, mobile numbers and address fields in international format (Street, City, State, Country, Zip)

You can activate or deactivate any candidate from your admin account. Deactivated candidate will not be able to sign in, but their data remains same with you.
Groups GroupsYour candidates can be placed under a specific Group so you can easily segregate candidates according to course, class or designation.
Sections SectionsYour questions can be placed in a specific section so you can manage questions to use in the exam or to create a question bank.
Progress Reports Progress ReportsResult (Score Card) for your all candidates and overall performance report by the candidate, exam, date time and sections.
Exam & Data Security Exam & Data SecurityExam security features ensure preventing multiple sign-in, copy paste and print screen during your exam. You’ll get instant email alert report with IP address, location, operating system and browser details if any multiple sign-in or copy paste event found.

You can also deny or grant exam access for that candidate from your admin account.

All exams and data security alerts are recorded and available to review anytime in your admin account.

We use industry leading SSL for encrypted and authenticated data communication. Our data center is equipped with world class facilities, located at Huston, USA.
Add Trusted IP Addresses Add Trusted IP AddressesYou can stop access to your candidate site outside from your organization. Just add trusted IP address ranges and the system will not allow access outside from your trusted IP address range. Very useful for college or university.
Mobile & Tablet Ready Mobile & Tablet ReadyCreate and take exams from mobile or tablet devices. Our admin and candidate both sites are compatible with mobile and tablet devices.

Your candidates can take exams from any mobile and tablet devices. Important features like exam screen, test maker software and performance report are smartly designed for a perfect mobile experience.

You can also check live exam statistics from your mobile device just to have a quick look what’s happening around your exams.
Advance Question Types Advance Question TypesThe question can be presented to candidates in multiple ways such as scenario based questions, Drag and Match, Video and Audio questions. Each question looks perfect in computer, tablet or mobile devices.

Available question types (1) Multiple Choice (2) Multiple Correct (3) Fill in the blank (4) Matching Type (5) Drag and Match (6) Yes / No (7) True / False (8) Essay Type (9) Scenario based questions (10) Audio questions
Offline Authoring Offline AuthoringUpload questions from any existing system into SpeedExam using Microsoft Excel. Also, useful for offline authoring of your exams.

You can create all types of questions in Excel for offline authoring or the creation of a question bank. We’ve included Excel file template inside question upload functionality so you can easily write your questions offline.
Custom Notifications Custom NotificationsNotification is an online notice board for your candidates; it can include course details, timetables, exam schedules and the syllabus in various file formats such as PDF, WORD, PPT or XLS. You can send notifications to all candidates or specific groups.

Any new notification is clearly visible on your candidate’s dashboard, and you can also send instant email alerts for the new notification from your admin account.
Email Alerts Email AlertsYou receive an email alert when:
(1) someone starts exam
(2) someone drops exam
(3) someone finishes exam
(4) someone tries to multiple sign-in or copy-paste your exam screen text.

Email alerts can be enabled or disabled from your admin account.
SMS Integration SMS IntegrationIntegrate any SMS API and send SMS to your registered candidates right away from your account. Just provide simple API details and you are ready to go. No technical skills required.

You can include data variables in your SMS such as Name, Username and Password of your candidates.
Partially Correct Partially CorrectThis feature is useful if your candidates get a question partially correct, they will get some marks for it. (e.g. 0.25 out of 1)

Our scoring method is completely dynamic, tested and approved from leading educational organizations around the world.
Question Templates Question TemplatesUse free exam templates from our 2000+ high quality questions.

Visit our exam store and find templates on different areas, topics and subjects like Driving License, Aviation, Merchant Navy, CFA and Law related exams.
Candidate Activity Tracking Candidate Activity TrackingTrack your candidate’s activity like sign-in and sign-out times, IP address, location, device and browser details.

You can also set email alerts for the activity tracking based on candidate name, exam or IP address criteria.
Email Support Email SupportWe would love to assist you in any query and would surely solve them at priority, our 24 / 7 email support is here to help.

We’ve given integrated support ticketing system right there in your admin account, so if you need any help, you just need to drop a line.
Phone Support Phone SupportWe also provide phone support if you want to talk to us.

Our support staff is comfortable to talk around the world in simple English. We understand US, UK, AUS, EUR, Middle East and South American accents fluently, so never hesitate to call us. We are happy to talk.

Call us:
USA +1(408)520 9820
8:00AM to 5:00PM EST (Mon – Fri)

India +91 949-965-9189
9:00AM to 6:00PM IST (Mon – Fri)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is my content safe? Your content is your wealth, and we do not share your data under any condition or monetize it in any form. Even if you do not continue your paid subscription and your account converts into the free version we’ll keep your data safe. (We do not remove any previous data or make it public.)
  • Do you have any user based fees? No, we do not have any user based payment, we just charge for the exams attempts taken by the users. There is a cap on the number of exam attempts in a particular period. Our plans and pricing are simple and customer centric.
  • Can I embed exams on my website or blog? Yes, you can easily embed your complete candidate site into your blog or website, without any programming skills.
  • Do you have any branding options to customize the look and the feel? Yes, you can customize your candidate site as well as the admin site with colors, logo, fonts and certificate styles. Our dynamic theme builder offers you endless possibilities for branding and configuring exam screens as best suited for your organization.
  • How are you different from others? We have unique features like Smart Web proctoring to prevent cheating and malpractice in exams, Exam Monitor, Test Maker Software, and ability to support the maximum number of concurrent users with the fastest test delivery system to make your testing more efficient. We are also proudly partnering with many Fortune 500 companies and world class education institutions for their testing needs.
  • Can I change my plan anytime? Yes, you can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your account anytime. We believe in need based purchasing, so you can select any plan at any time according to your needs.
  • What will happen to my paid plan if I do not renew on time? That’s fine with us. If you do not renew your paid plan, it will automatically convert to the free plan. We will not remove your data, and all your paid features will be inactive till you renew.
  • How do I cancel my account? You can cancel your account at any time by logging into your account and selecting the “My Account” link (on the Dashboard). Once you are on the Account page, click the “Please cancel my account” link.
  • Can my subscription fees be refunded? For more information regarding refunds, please check our Refund Policy for details.
  • What is the cost of SpeedExam's proctoring software? SpeedExam offers customized pricing tailored to your needs. Please check above for the plan and price of the Proctoring Software option. For more customized plans please contact us.